GS1 - Marking Products, Services and Logistic Units
GS1 Bulgaria’s activity shall be directed at the achievement of the following aims and objectives:
- to control and coordinate the use of the System in Bulgaria and to advise all sectors of trade and industry upon its application and use;
- to promote the aims and objectives of GS1
- to undertake activities and provide services to ensure the attainment of its objectives, to meet its obligations to its members and to GS1;
- to accumulate funds for the achievement of GS1 Bulgaria’s objectives in a legal manner, which the GS1 Bulgaria Management Board may deem expedient;
- to use the funds solely towards the promotion of the objectives of GS1 Bulgaria as set forth in these Rules;
- to execute all other legal acts, which are incidental or conductive to the attainment of all or some of the above objectives.
The official representative of Bulgaria in GS1 is the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Contact details:
12, Knyaz Al. Batenberg Blvd. 6100, Kazanlak, Bulgaria
Phones: 0431 62 635; 0 888 587 862
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.