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  32  y e a r s   s u p p o r t   o f   b u s i n e s s e s




The Kazanla Chamber of Commerce and Industry was established as a non-profit oganisation under the Act on Persons and Family, on 24th of June 1991 from an initiative group of the former State-owned Company “Hydraulic” and other 17 companies and organisations.

The establishment of the Chamber was a well-timed act, caused by the upcoming changes in the Bulgaria, in which the new economical subjects in the well-developed industrial and economical region of Kazanlak were supposed to take act in.

The establishers are the companies: "Hydraulic", "Caproni", "M+S Hydraulic", "Zino", "Still-Co", "Bulgarian Rose", "NITI", "Dinamika", "Nadejda Print", "Ilkoms", "Kuen", "Nedelchev-2", "Inarh", "Hidropnevmotehnika”, Regional Union for Economic Initiative of the Citizens and the House of Science and Technology in Kazanlak under the active support and cooperation of BCCI Sofia.

Nonetheless, the KzCCI has succeeded in becoming a local business as an independent and stable institution, untied by state structures, which offers a set of services without which modern international commodity exchange is impossible.

Since its inception, the KzCCI has strictly adhered to the basic principles enshrined in its Statute:

  • Membership volunteering;
  • Autonomy of emergence and management;
  • Public character - a non-state organization, bringing together representatives of economic entities from the Kazanlak region, representatives of trade, production and services;
  • Interaction with the National Chamber - BCCI, Sofia and the Unified System of Regional Chambers;
  • Ensure a sufficient range of specific services and protect the interests of its members;
  • Enhanced public presence.



Contact details:
12, Knyaz Al. Batenberg Blvd. 6100, Kazanlak, Bulgaria
 Phones: 0431 62 635; 0 888 587 862
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
WEB: www.kzcci-bg.org

12, Knyaz Al. Batenbrg Blvd.
6100 Kazanlak

e mail envelope This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

telephone 2+359 431 62 635; +359 888 587 862

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